

Tender Announcement

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發(fā)表時間:2022-02-18     閱讀次數(shù):     字體:【



Announcement of International Tender

for Planning and Design of the Central Shared Area - Mindu Academicians Village in Fuzhou University Town


According to the relevant documents of the People's Government of Fuzhou, Fuzhou Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, and Fuzhou Urban Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd., Fuzhou Construction Development Group Co., Ltd. hereby launches an international tender for planning and design of the Central Shared Area - Mindu Academicians Village in Fuzhou University Town ("The Tender"). The details are announced as follows:

一、項目背景 Project Background


To improve Fuzhou's innovation capacity and develop the city into an innovative provincial capital, we plan to build the Mindu Academicians Village, a hub of academicians and other high-level talents who work together to promote Fuzhou's innovative and high-quality development. Under the concept of "collaboration, participation, and common interests", the Mindu Academicians Village is proposed to stand around Qishan Lake in the Fujian Science City featuring beautiful scenery and innovative elements. Moreover, facilities such as academician studios, R-D centers, incubation bases for scientific research achievements and the Qishan Lake International Conference Center will be set up to constitute a central shared area in the University Town. To prepare high-standard planning and design schemes for the Central Shared Area - Mindu Academicians Village in Fuzhou University Town around Qishan Lake, we now launch a public tender for relevant design.

二、設計范圍及內(nèi)容Design Scope and Content


(a) Project location


Located by Qishan lake, at the foot of the Qishan National Forest Park, the Central Shared Area - Mindu Academicians Village in Fuzhou University Town covers Qitou Village and the northern area of Qishan Lake. The planning and design for this area require a holistic and thorough approach, with the conditions of the chosen location as well as Qishan Lake and its surroundings taken into consideration. The planning zone has a total area of approximately 4.21 square kilometers, extending to Jianping Road in the north, South Xuefu Road in the south, Fuyin Expressway in the west, and Qishan Avenue in the east. Among this zone, an area of approximately 40.3 hectares, including Qitou Village (approximately 28.3 hectares, 425 mu (1 mu equals to 1/15 hectares))and the north area of Qishan Lake (approximately 11.9 hectares, 179 mu), requires detailed design (as shown in the figure).



(b) Planning and design content


At the scheme submission stage, tenderers are required to reexamine the planning of the Science City, and study and plan the chosen location based on its functions. On top of that, tenderers are required to make a detailed design for Qitou Village and the north area of Qishan Lake, develop the urban design detailed up to the level of Constructive Detailed Plan, and provide conceptual design for the main functional buildings. (If the host obtains the land use right of the Project, the design content shall include the design development.)


1. Project function planning


Functionally, the project mainly provides academicians and their teams with work and life services and relevant supporting ones, and enables the college teachers and students and entrepreneurs to interact and share resources with local residents as well as tourism and recreation functions (other functions can be supplemented based on the planning scheme). Based on the plan for the Science City, the two sub-areas are preliminarily planned with the following functions:


1-North area of Qishan Lake


The north area of Qishan Lake covers a practical land area of approximately 179 mu, including the land for cultural facilities and that for commercial facilities. Specifically, the land for cultural facilities covers an area of approximately 100 mu, with a building height of 40 meters. This piece of land is planned to host Fujian Art Museum and Fujian Hall of Fame. The land for commercial facilities covers an area of approximately 79 mu. It is planned to host "one building with four centers", Qishan Lake International Conference Center (including a hotel) as well as supporting commercial facilities.


(1) "One Building with Four Centers": The Complex of Shared Services, as well as the Four Centers: the R-D Center, the Academicians' Work Center, the Postdoctorals' Work Center and the Science and Education Center.


(2) Qishan Lake International Conference Center (including a hotel): According to the construction standards of star hotels, this Conference Center shall provide meeting rooms, conference and hotel services, shopping mall and supermarket services as well as other supporting commercial services required for large-scale conferences and academic seminars. It can be equipped with apartment hotels to accommodate academicians and their teams. The super high-rise hotel with the planned height of 150m will serve as the regional landmark.


(3) Supporting commercial facilities: Commercial facilities shall be set up based on the needs of the teachers, students, entrepreneurs and other groups in the University Town.


2-Qitou Village


Qitou Village covers a practical land area of approximately 229 mu. The land is planned to host commercial facilities (with an appropriate proportion of residential buildings). Living facilities for academicians as well as commercial, tourism, leisure and other comprehensive service facilities are also planned in this area.


(1) Living facilities for academicians: Including about 10 high-quality multi-floor residential buildings (no less than 200m2 for each household), talent apartments, as well as commercial, sports and leisure facilities, all of which can meet the living needs of different types of academicians and their teammates.


(2) Commercial, tourism, leisure and other comprehensive service facilities: Provide commercial, business (including corporate headquarters), leisure, tourism (including Qishan Lake Tourist Service Center) and other mix-used service facilities based on the needs of different people such as teachers, students, entrepreneurs, and tourists in the University Town.


Based on the preliminarily planned functions above, the design proposal must contain more detailed function planning and specify the scale and layout of each functional building. "One Building with Four Centers" and residential buildings for academician teams cover a total area of approximately 65,000 square meters, and their respective area can be adjusted based on the specific planning scheme. In the north area of Qishan Lake, the land for cultural facilities and commercial and business facilities can be integrated for an overall functional layout. In the two sub-areas, the planning indicators such as functional properties of project site, FAR and max building height can be optimized based on the specific design schemes in the follow-up procedures.


2. Overall design for the planning zone


The chosen location is in the core shared area of Fujian Science City and an important demonstration area of the urban landscape with water and mountains. Its planning requires a further study and analysis based on the review and evaluation of the existing planning for the Science City and other related facilities. The 4.21-square-kilometer zone around Qishan Lake needs to be studied and planned with a holistic approach. While meeting the main functional requirements, the planning and design shall consider the functional positioning of the plots around the Qishan Lake Park as well as the characteristics of the Qishan National Forest Park on the west. The detailed functions and spatial design ideas for Qitou Village on the west and the north area of Qishan Lake shall be further specified. It is required to duly consider the connection between Qitou Village and Qishan Mountain on the west, and plan and design the tour route options and alignment of Qishan National Forest Park. With careful study on the spatial relationship of the urban context and natural landscape, it is also required to enhance the study on the important views to Qishan Lake around Qishan Lake, from Fuyin Expressway, Jianping Road and footpath of Qishan Mountain as well as on the display image of important natural landscape and the landmark buildings in the planning area.


3. Detailed design for the chosen sites


(1) Site plans for urban design


Qitou Village and the north area of Qishan Lake require refined urban design based on the functional planning scheme of Mindu Academicians Village. The urban design schemes need to be as detailed as site plans, mainly including the specific design for the functional layout, traffic organization, public space, landscape features, environmental facilities, and utilization of underground space of plots. Moreover, the urban design schemes need to further specify the development capacity, building height, function matching, architectural styles, landscape environments and other control and guidance requirements of plots. At the same time, the urban design schemes shall have definite control requirements and design guidelines for the construction locations, building height, and architectural forms and styles of the main functional buildings. As the preliminary architectural design of Fujian Art Museum has been completed, it is required to coordinate with architectural design of Fujian Art Museum in terms of architecture and landscape style.


(2) Conceptual design schemes for main functional buildings


The main buildings (complexes) in the chosen location require conceptual design based on the urban design schemes. "One Building with Four Centers", Qishan Lake International Conference Center (including hotel), living facilities for academicians and other main functional buildings need design for singular building and necessary site design. The design objects include the plane functional layout and facade design of the main floors of the buildings; the traffic organization, landscape environments and underground space of the buildings, as well as green buildings and relevant energy-saving measures.


Note: The planning data specified in the planning and design part herein shall be subject to Proposal of Tender for Planning and Design of the Central Shared Area - Mindu Academicians Village in Fuzhou University Town (separate volume). For any adjustment during the Q-A stage of the qualification shortlisting, tenderers are required to give full responses.

三、征集方式 Tender Procedures


The Tender involves two stages: qualification shortlisting and scheme selection.

資格入圍階段。通過公開報名的方式招募國內(nèi)外優(yōu)秀設計團隊,通過方案評選確定資格入圍名單,允許以聯(lián)合體形式參加。設計團隊需要提供包括資質(zhì)水平、團隊成員、作品成果等能表現(xiàn)團隊設計實力的相關證明材料,并提出方案設計的簡要思路。最終由專家通過記名投票法評選出 5 家設計團隊入圍下階段的方案評選。

(a) Qualification shortlisting. The Tender adopts open application to recruit outstanding design teams from home and abroad. The qualification shortlist will be determined through preliminary scheme selection. Consortiums are allowed to participate. Design teams are required to provide qualification certificates, the introduction of team members, representative works and other materials that can prove their design strength. These teams are also required to briefly describe their design ideas. Through open votes by experts, five design teams will be shortlisted for the next selection.


(b) Design evaluation. The shortlisted tenderers shall submit the design deliverables in accordance with the "Technical Requirements for Project Design" in the Proposal of Tender for Planning and Design of the Central Shared Area - Mindu Academicians Village in Fuzhou University Town. The host will organize experts to evaluate and recommend ranking of the schemes, and then report the ranking to the municipal government for the determination of the ranking . Subsequently, the host will entrust the selected No.1 team to refine its schemes. The strengths of other submitted schemes and the comments from the municipal government, the headquarters, expert judges and other parties can be polished and integrated into the selected scheme to make it holistic, original and instructive.

四、應征要求 Application Requirements


(a) The call for applications is open to the public. Design institutions worldwide, and consortiums with no more than three companies are welcome to participate. However, this is not applicable to nature person or consortium of natural persons. The consortium members shall sign the Consortium Agreement legally and specify the leading member. Each member of the consortium shall not further apply alone or participate by joining another consortium.


(b) Domestic or overseas legally registered companies or organizations are all eligible to apply with no specific qualifications required. Two or more entities who share the same legal representatives, parent companies, wholly-owned subsidiaries, and their holding companies shall not register for the competition at the same time.


(c) Design teams composed of a wide diversity of professionals from architectural design, urban planning, and design, landscape design, to industry and function planning are encouraged.


(d) Given the impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on global air transport, overseas applicants without offices in China shall partner with a domestic applicant to participate.


(e) The chief designer(s) shall be equipped with over ten-year experience from relevant projects, based on agreement on direct participation in the whole process of this competition in person, including but not limited to final presentation, and Q-A session (including online video conference). In the course of this international competition, the Owner and Party A reserve the right to disqualify the design team if the chief designer(s) is found to be inconsistent with the person submitted in the application materials.


(f) The designers involved in this competition should be the staff on the payroll of the corresponding design firm. To ensure a precise understanding of the Chinese regional context and related requirements, at least one Chinese-speaking member is required from the technical team of the overseas applicant.


(g) In addition to the above terms, all applicants shall help provide additional qualifications or certificates when necessary.





(h) Preferred criterion:

Proven experience in similar projects of urban planning and design;

Design teams led by domestic and foreign academicians or world-class architects;

Design institutions with internationally or domestically award-winning chief designer(s).

五、費用設置 Design Fee - Honorarium


1. Design fee


The design fee (including tax) will be paid to the five prequalified candidates who have participated in the design evaluation:


The design team winning the first place will be awarded the contract and paid with a total of RMB 4,000,000 yuan upon completion of the design detailing and satisfactory design results. Upon other teams submission of a qualified proposal, the design team winning the second place will receive an honorarium of RMB 800,000 yuan, while the one winning the third place will receive RMB 600,000 yuan, and those winning the fourth and fifth place will receive RMB 400,000 yuan respectively. No honorarium will be paid to design teams failed in prequalification.


Note: The design fee and honorarium will not vary with the adjustment of urban planning or design scale by the Employer, and the applicant shall give full response.


2. DD design fee


After the design proposal is approved by the municipal government, if the host obtains the land use right of the Project, the winning design team shall provide DD including master plan, architecture, structure, water supply and drainage, HVAC, electrical, intelligence, site work and ancillary works within the site property line (excluding landscape and sponge city special design), DD drawings for energy saving special design, green building special design, prefabricated building , fire protection, civil air defense work, environmental protection and noise reduction, curtain wall, nightscape, charging pile and other specialties as well as cooperation with landscape, sponge city special design, BIM full-specialty model design, pipeline connection, the design of surrounding supporting roads and design by other third-party professional detailing designers. The design fee shall be calculated as per 80% of the project design fee standard specified in the notice of the Planning Commission and the Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China on issuing the Regulations on Administration of Project Survey and Design Fee (JJG [2002] No. 10). If the host fails to obtain the land use right of the Project, the winning design team shall be paid with the design fee of RMB 4,000,000 yuan without claiming additional compensation from the host.


Calculation formula of design fee:

設計收費計費額暫按為75000萬元,估算的工程初步設計收費金額為 443.7288萬元,其工程設計收費基準價、浮動幅度值和計算辦法如下:

The charging amount of design fee is tentatively calculated as per 75 million yuan, and the DD design fee of the Project is estimated as 4.437288 million yuan. The benchmark price, floating range value and calculation method of project design fee are as follows:

1)設計費計算辦法: 基本設計收費=工程設計收費基價 1848.87萬元×專業(yè)調(diào)整數(shù)1.0×工程復雜程度調(diào)整系數(shù) 1.0×附加調(diào)整系數(shù)1.0= 1848.87萬元;

(1) Calculation method of design fee: basic design fee = benchmark price of project design fee of 18.4887 million yuan × specialty adjustment coefficient 1.0 × project complexity adjustment coefficient 1.0 × additional adjustment coefficient 1.0 = 18.4887 million yuan;

2)工程設計收費基準價=基本設計收費1848.87萬元+其他設計費0萬元= 1848.87萬元;

(2) Benchmark price of project design fee = basic design fee of 18.4887 million yuan + other design fee of 0 million yuan = 18.4887 million yuan;

3)所選單獨設計收費比例(初步設計30%)=工程設計收費基準價(1848.87萬元)×30 %554.661萬元。

(3) The proportion of separate design fee (DD: 30%) = benchmark price of project design fee (RMB 18.4887 million) × 30% = 5.54661 million yuan.


(4) Float downward by 20%, tentatively determined as RMB 5.54661 million × 80% = RMB 4,437,288 yuan (tentative)


No other design fee will be charged for the Project. When signing the contract, RMB 75 million yuan will be tentatively taken as the design fee charging base, while the construction drawing budget approved by the third-party cost consultant will be finally taken as the design fee charging base (in case of no construction drawing budget approved by the third-party cost consultant, the project settlement amount approved by the third-party cost consultant will be taken as the design fee charging base). The final design fee shall be subject to the review of the third-party cost consultant. (The above coefficients and downward floating rate will not be adjusted for settlement).

六、時間計劃 Time Schedule


The process includes two phases: Prequalification and Design Evaluation. Please find the detailed schedule below:

階 段Phase


Date (Calendar days)



(Phase I) Prequalification

2022年 2月18

February 18, 2022


Open call for applications


February 28, 2022


Application deadline


March 8, 2022


Deadline for submission of pre-qualification documents


March 9, 2022


Pre-qualification review


March 15, 2022


Project launch, site visit and Q-A session


(Phase II) Design Evaluation


May 16, 2022


Submission of deliverables


May 17, 2022


Scheme review meeting for proposed ranking


May 18, 2022


Winning result announced by the Government


Please note that the schedule above is subject to Beijing time (UTC+8). The Organizer reserves the right to adjust the agenda.

七、報名方式 How to Apply


(a) Send your filled application form to 1972441156@qq.com by first downloading it from http://www.chinabidding.com.cn/index.html,

http://bulletin.cebpubservice.com/,http://www.planning.org.cn/,https://ggzyfw.fujian.gov.cn/ or . Upon the safe receipt of your application form, we will notify you with an email that specifies relevant documents such as pre-qualification documents. Application deadline: 16:00 on February 28, 2022.


(b) All pre-qualification application documents should strictly follow the relevant requirements via on-site submission or express mail.


1. On-site submission will require a copy of the Power of Attorney of the Legal Representative; In terms of an application as a consortium, the Power of Attorney of the Legal Representative of the leading member is required.


2. When submitting by express mail, please ensure sufficient turnaround time and safe packaging by utilizing cartons or polystyrene. Please note that any case of damage or loss of your package is at your own risk.


(c) Location and the deadline for submission of pre-qualification application documents: all written documents should be submitted to the following designated place before 12:00 on March 8, 2022. Address: Jianrong Construction Management Group Co., LTD (7F A, Gaojing Business Center, 158 North Wuyi Road, Gulou District, Fuzhou). Accepted time of delivery: 09:00 - 16:00 on working days (09:00 - 16:00 on February 27). Please note that late submission will not be accepted.


(d) Notification of pre-qualification results: upon the confirmation of shortlisting, all applicants will be notified in writing within three working days.


(e) Contact: Miss Chen 0591-83722566/15880045972;

韋先生 0591-83809327

Mr. Wei 0591-83809327


Inquiries via phone: Mon - Fri 09:00 to 11:00, 14:00 to 16:00

E-mail: 1972441156@qq.com

八、資格預審文件 Pre-qualification Documents


Pre-qualification documents should include two parts in separate volumes: the application documents and the concept proposal.


(a) Requirements of application documents

A4 規(guī)格(210mm×297mm),1 7 副,不超過40 張單頁紙內(nèi)容(雙面打印,頁碼只到80,頁數(shù)限制不含封面封底扉頁和目錄),簡裝。

A4 (297mm x 210mm), 1 original document and 7 copies, each contains no more than 40 sheets (double-sided printing, page numbers up to 80 excluding front, back cover, title page, and the page of table of contents), simple binding

(1) 投標聲明及授權、公司名稱、聯(lián)系人信息詳見附件2

(1) Declaration of participation and authorization, company name, and contact (see Annex 2 for more details);

(2) 聯(lián)合體協(xié)議書(若有,此頁需蓋章及簽名原件,詳見附件3,超過1 張單頁紙需蓋騎縫章);

(2) Consortium Agreement (if any, this page needs to be sealed and signed in original, please see Annex 3 for more details, paging seal is required in case of 2 sheets and more);

(3) 營業(yè)執(zhí)照或有效機構(gòu)注冊文件(如為聯(lián)合體,各成員需分別提供);

(3) Business license or valid company registration documents (in the case of a consortium, separate documents are required for each member);

(4) 設計機構(gòu)簡介(自擬,如為聯(lián)合體,各成員需分別提供);

(4)Company introduction (proposed content, in the case of a consortium, separate documents are required for each member);

(5) 設計團隊總表(格式自定);

(5) Member list (proposed format);

(6) 設計團隊人員簡歷(格式自定);

(6) Resumes of the design team personnel (proposed format);

(7) 類似項目經(jīng)驗總表;

(7) Summary table of experience in similar projects;


(b) The concept proposal is an image-text A3 landscape in one-sided color printing with no more than 30 pages (excluding the front and back covers). Contents include, but are not limited to, the following:

(1) 對項目的愿景描述

(1) Description of your project design vision

(2) 對項目的總體想法和總體空間結(jié)構(gòu)

(2) Big concept of the project and general spatial structure

(3) 對項目未來空間特色的描述或局部設計

(3) Description or partial design of the future spatial characteristics

(4) 具有參考價值的案例及其與本項目關聯(lián)內(nèi)容的相關分析

(4) Presentation of references with an analysis of their related contents

(5) 機構(gòu)過去的設計項目中可以借鑒的內(nèi)容與做法

(5) Referential past experiences and practices



(1) 如為聯(lián)合體投標,聯(lián)合體各成員設計機構(gòu)的報名文件均須分別加蓋各自的公章。

(1) In the case of a consortium, the application documents of each member shall be stamped with the respective official seal.

(2) 報名材料重點部分必須中英雙語(投標聲明、聯(lián)合體協(xié)議書、設計機構(gòu)介紹、設計團隊總表、項目經(jīng)驗總表),其他部分的語言必須以中文為主,不得完全使用英文或其他外文,中英文不一致之處,以中文為準。

(2) The key parts of the application documents must be bilingual (including entry statement, Consortium Agreement, company introduction, member list, a summary table of experience in similar projects), while the rest must be mainly Chinese. Statements in completely English or other foreign languages are not accepted. In the case of inconsistency between Chinese and English, Chinese content shall prevail.

九、發(fā)布平臺 Information Release Platform


The official announcement is published on http://www.chinabidding.com.cn/index.html, http://bulletin.cebpubservice.com/, http://www.planning.org.cn/, https://ggzyfw.fujian.gov.cn/. If there is any inconsistency between the Chinese version and the English version of the announcement, the former shall prevail.



Hosted by

Fuzhou Construction - Development Co. , LTD



Organized by

Jianrong Construction Management Co. LTD


Date: February 18, 2022


Annex 1


Application Form of International Tender for Planning and Design


of the Central Shared Area - Mindu Academicians Village in Fuzhou University Town

機構(gòu)注冊名稱Registered name


法定代表人Legal person

機構(gòu)注冊地址Registered address

規(guī)劃/建筑設計資格或資質(zhì)的種類和級別Category and grade of qualification in planning/architecture design

擬聯(lián)合的機構(gòu)名稱(選填Name of other institutes in a consortium (optional)

本項目聯(lián)系人Contact person




d.移動電話Mobile phone


f.通信地址及郵政編碼Address - zip code


Annex 2


1. 本設計機構(gòu)完全同意大學城中心共享區(qū)暨閩都院士村設計方案國際招標的全部安排并遵照執(zhí)行。

2. 本設計機構(gòu)保證所提交資料真實、合法和有效,并承擔相關的法律責任。

3. 本設計機構(gòu)保證滿足征集規(guī)則中全部報名要求,有資格參加本項目。

4. 本設計機構(gòu)接受征集規(guī)則中信息發(fā)布的方式,并自行承擔因設計機構(gòu)自身原因造成的文件缺失等對本次結(jié)果產(chǎn)生的任何影響。

5. 本設計機構(gòu)在此授權本次國際招標主辦單位在其認為適當?shù)臅r間和場合公開、使用有關信息。

6. 本次國際招標設計機構(gòu)委派項目聯(lián)系人:

項目聯(lián)系人: 。

姓名: 。

職位: 。


電子郵箱: 。



: 。


1. Our team agrees to abide by all the arrangements of the international call for proposals for the design of the Central Shared Area - Mindu Academicians Village in Fuzhou University Town.

2. Our team hereby declares that the entry content submitted is true, legitimate and valid, and our team assumes all possible legal liabilities.

3. Our team guarantees that it meets all the application requirements in the solicitation rules and is eligible to participate in this project.

4. Our team accepts the way of information release in the solicitation rules, and bears any influence on this result due to the missing documents caused by our team.

5. Our team hereby authorizes the organizers of this international call to disclose and use the information at such times and occasions as they deem appropriate.

6. Contact person of this project:

Contact person: .

Name: .

Title: .

Mobile phone: .

E-mail: .

The above contact information is correct and valid, otherwise the consequences of the resulting unsuccessful delivery will be the responsibility of us. If there is a need to change the contact person in the future, we will notify in writing.

Name of the companyseal): .

Date: .


Annex 3


(所有成員名稱) 自愿組成聯(lián)合體共同參加大學城中心共享區(qū)暨閩都院士村設計方案國際招標,F(xiàn)就聯(lián)合體參與事宜訂立如下協(xié)議,協(xié)議(包括但不限于)如下內(nèi)容:

1 (某成員名稱)為本次國際招標的聯(lián)合體牽頭設計機構(gòu)。

2 聯(lián)合體牽頭設計機構(gòu)合法代表聯(lián)合體各成員負責本次設計文件編制和合同談判活動,并代表聯(lián)合體提交和接收相關的資料、信息及指示,并處理與之有關的一切事物,負責合同實施、組織和協(xié)調(diào)工作;聯(lián)合體牽頭設計機構(gòu)指定一名代表人執(zhí)行本次國際招標涉及的全部事宜,聯(lián)合體各成員均認可聯(lián)合體牽頭設計機構(gòu)代表人的行為。
















13、本協(xié)議書一式 份,聯(lián)合體成員和主辦單位各執(zhí) 份。














Consortium Agreement (if there's one)

(Names of all members) voluntarily form a joint consortium to participate in the international call for proposals for the design of the Central Shared Area - Mindu Academicians Village in Fuzhou University Town. The following agreement is hereby entered into with respect to the participation of the consortium, and the agreement (including but not limited to) is as follows.

1. (Name of a member) is the leading member of the consortium for this international call.

2. The leading member of the consortium is legally responsible for this design document preparation and contract negotiation on behalf of each member of the consortium, and submits and receives relevant materials, information and instructions on behalf of the consortium, and handles all things related to it, and is responsible for contract implementation, organization and coordination; the leading member of the consortium designates a representative to execute all matters involved in this international call, and each member of the consortium recognizes the behavior of the representative of the leading member of the consortium.

3. The consortium authorized the leading member to summarize the qualification, business capacity, work performance and other information of the members for a unified summary and the representative of the leading member shall submit it to the organizers. The materials submitted by the representative represents the true situation of each member of the consortium.

4. The design work is the responsibility of the representative of the leading member of the consortium; the representative legally submits and signs the international solicitation documents on behalf of each member of the consortium; all commitments of the representative in the international solicitation documents are on behalf of each member of the consortium.

5. After being identified as the winning solution, the members of the consortium will jointly sign a contract with the host and execute all contract documents, and the signed contract agreement will be legally binding for each member of the consortium.

6. Upon being identified as the winning solution, the representative of the leading member of the consortium will legally submit and receive relevant materials, information and instructions on behalf of each member of the consortium, and handle all matters related to it.

7. The members of the consortium in this design cooperation are in close cooperation, and make every effort to complete their work content.

8. The consortium will submit the design documents in strict accordance with the requirements, perform the contract, and assume joint responsibilities externally.

9. The share of interests, work content, division of work and responsibilities of each member of the consortium in the international call shall be decided by the consortium itself. All members of the consortium are individually and jointly liable to the organizers of this international call.

10. The division of responsibilities within each member of the consortium is as follows.

List of names of consortium members

Share of interest in the consortium (%)

The work content and workload to be undertaken in the consortium

List of key personnel to be staffed

Note: The table can be adjusted according to the number of consortium members.

11. The division of costs and internal risks, liabilities due to unclear division of responsibilities between the members are not related to the organizers and no claims shall be made to the organizers.

12. This agreement shall be effective from the date of signing and shall automatically be terminated if it is not the winning solution or after signing a contract with the organizers.

13. This agreement is signed in_______ copies, _______for each member of the consortium and the organizers.

The leading member

Name of the instituteseal) :

Legal representative or Authorized delegate (signature)

Consortium member 1

Name of the instituteseal) :

Legal representative or Authorized delegate (signature)

Consortium member 2

Name of the institute seal) :

Legal representative or Authorized delegate (signature)

Consortium member 3

Name of the institute seal) :

Legal representative or Authorized delegate (signature)

